Acute Angles Reading Group

The Acute Angles Read­ing Group is a ques­tion-dri­ven con­ver­sa­tion cat­alyzed by papers in Forty-Five.

There is no audi­ence; there are only par­tic­i­pants.
The edi­tors invite par­tic­i­pants and dis­trib­ute the papers.
Par­tic­i­pants read the papers and pre­pare ques­tions in a for­mat brought phys­i­cal­ly to the event.

As par­tic­i­pants assem­ble, there are intro­duc­tions, and there are refreshments.

Then, a ques­tion is asked.

At the end of the con­ver­sa­tion, par­tic­i­pants gen­er­ate respons­es in a for­mat that can be archived.

The ques­tions and respons­es are then shared with the authors and review­ers of the papers.
